Happy Skincare Awareness Month! - Give Me Cosmetics

Happy Skincare Awareness Month!

Did you know that September is Skincare Awareness Month? (yes, we’re excited!)

This month is a reminder to care for our skin as the winter months creep in and also gives us a chance to reflect on our skincare routines and habits, making changes where needed.

To celebrate, we thought it was the perfect time to introduce (or reintroduce for the OGs) , you to our Complete Skincare Collection!


The Complete Skincare Collection - Give Me Cosmetics


As you can see, there’s a lot to get through, so let’s take a look at each product/ tool, and our suggested order to use them in…


The Complete Skincare Collection


Step 1: Makeup Removal


Let’s imagine you’ve just got home from work. It’s been a long day and all you want is some self-care time. You whip out your Give Me Cosmetics Complete Skincare Collection and you’re good to go!


The first thing you do is grab your trusty Fleece Headband and Wrist Washbands, ensuring you’ll have no product or water in your hair or running down your arms (honestly, is there anything worse?!).


Your first product is of course the Anti-Ageing Makeup Remover, formulated to remove stubborn makeup and unclog your pores (and of course, you’re using that with your environment and skin-friendly Eco Makeup Pads!)


Anti-Ageing Makeup Remover & Eco Makeup Pad Bundle - Give Me Cosmetics
Now, doesn’t that feel better? Let’s get a deeper cleanse…

Step 2: Cleanser


Next up, you’ve got a few options to choose from depending on how you’re feeling (see, skincare can be super fun!)


Either you’ll grab your Silicone Face Brush and Cleansing Balm for a precise application, before rubbing the cleansing balm in and removing any excess oil, dirt or debris...


Or, you’ll pull out your Hyaluronic Acid Deep Hydration Cleanser if you feel like you need some extra hydration, or your Vitamin C Illuminating Cleanser for some anti-ageing. Use your Exfoliating Facial Pad to really get the product working and to remove dirt and toxins.


Hyaluronic Acid Deep Hydration Cleanser - Give Me Cosmetics



Step 3: Toner


Now your skin is free of makeup, dirt, and other debris, it’s time to tone!


Reaching for your Witch Hazel Face Toner, use your hands to distribute the product evenly across your face, gently patting it in to let it work its magic.



Witch Hazel Face Toner - Give Me Cosmetics



Step 4: Serum


While you let your toner sink in for between 30 seconds to a minute, let’s choose a serum for today.


The Hyaluronic Acid & Retinol Face Serum is perfect for revitalising tired, dehydrated skin, just like the Hyaluronic Acid Deep Hydration Serum


Alternatively, you’ve always got the Vitamin C Illuminating Serum for brighter, firmer, smoother-looking skin!



Hyaluronic Acid & Retinol Face Serum  - Give Me Cosmetics


Step 5: Eye Cream


Next up, it’s time to give the eyes some lovin’.


With the Brightening Vitamin E Eye Cream, apply some product to the under eyes, gently rubbing it in to combat signs of ageing and brighten the eye area.



Brightening Vitamin E Eye Cream - Give Me Cosmetics




Step 6: Moisturiser


Time to lock in all of those steps with some moisturiser, and lucky for you, you’ve got two to choose from!


For lightweight, super luxury hydration, the Anti-Ageing Day Cream is perfect, helping keep your skin plump, nourished, and glowing.


Or, in our current evening scenario, the Rejuvenating Overnight Cream gives a dreamy, indulgent experience while providing nourishing benefits for the skin.



 The Day & Night Cream Bundle - Give Me Cosmetics



Extra Self-Care!


Try popping on a Hyaluronic Acid Sheet Mask or Collagen Sheet Mask while you enjoy your favourite book and a glass of wine.


Or, try out the Vitamin C Eye Gel Patches while you treat yourself to a nice, relaxing bath - thank us later!



Vitamin C Eye Gel Patches - Give Me Cosmetics



So, that’s your rundown of The Complete Skincare Collection to celebrate Skincare Awareness Month. 


Make sure to take a look at your skincare routine and make any amendments you need for the proper self-care skincare experience!

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